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When I pick a book up, I am travelling to a distant place and some times I become one of the characters in a book. My love for stories are the ones that begin and end where fiction is more honest than reality.

Currently reading

Time and Time Again: A Collection
Tamara Ireland Stone
Progress: 432/736 pages
Beauty Is a Wound
Bill Tucker And Annie Berry, Eka Kurniawan
Progress: 153/384 pages
The Book of Love: Poems of Ecstasy and Longing
Coleman Barks, Rumi
Progress: 53/206 pages

A Semi-Biography of Yeon-Sik Hong

Uncomfortably Happily - Yeon-sik Hong

Picking up Uncomfortably Happily was a personal reason of mine - to really understand what is it like living in country side. This manhwa graphic novel is a semi-biography of Yeon-Sik Hong, a struggling procrastinator artist that struggles to meet its deadline and his supportive wife living near a mountain side further away from Seoul. As they rented a house over there, memories were made, animals were loved, and other troubles assured. As he tries to complete his and revise his drawings and studies in school, he re-discovers life on the country side is so much different than living in a city. Once there, life became free and easy.


I truly enjoy the story and the simple artistic approach of this book. While it does show in a realistic way life living on the mountains can be tough, they were happy and they did give reasons why they are living happily. While situations can be difficult, the couple do what they can to survive and manage to live a life happily before they were forced to move out because of change. Its a nice read and nothing deeper to it. I realize one of my dreams to live on the country side I understand such struggles are real, its a matter whether I can survive in situations that Yeon-Sik Hong experiences. I truly enjoy this book and would recommend if anyone wants to read about life living on the country side.