Reading Lies, the 2nd sequel to Michael Grant's Gone series is a step back from the first two books. New characters are introduced, a new plot takes another twist dealing with deception, more action and more thrills. In Perdido Beach, nothing is what it seems. The undead is walking among the living children, Caine and what's left of his group takes a journey to an island searching for food, Zil and his crew are stirring trouble that lead to the burning of the township and gaiaphage found his way... and with a return of Drake Merwin, bending on revenge.
I can't say I do not enjoy it but it is a step back from the first two books, which really pushes the limits of children dealing with problems they need to fix. Lies to me is a tale of deception where there is no one they can trust. While new characters are introduced (again) but to a certain limitation of development, I do find the existing ones some what unnecessary on the drama emotional side. It really did short fall on other regular characters but as the plot pushes forward, its pretty much like watching a season TV series that the whole season just doesn't live it up to viewers expectation. Nevertheless, I still enjoy reading Lies and I can't wait to jump right into Plague.