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When I pick a book up, I am travelling to a distant place and some times I become one of the characters in a book. My love for stories are the ones that begin and end where fiction is more honest than reality.

Currently reading

Time and Time Again: A Collection
Tamara Ireland Stone
Progress: 432/736 pages
Beauty Is a Wound
Bill Tucker And Annie Berry, Eka Kurniawan
Progress: 153/384 pages
The Book of Love: Poems of Ecstasy and Longing
Coleman Barks, Rumi
Progress: 53/206 pages

The Magic Is In Everwood...

Some Kind of Happiness - Claire Legrand

One of the rare times I read a middle-grade book is when I read an interesting blurb - one that involves a good story that has fantasy element that I like and two, the appeal of its plot that is not common in most books of the subject matter it tackles. Some Kind of Happiness is a book above that talks about what it means to move forward through the power of story that even in the darkest part of reality in a child's life, magic and truth saves it all.


Finley Hart is on her way to stay with her grandparents and this is her first time meeting them. Her father hardly spoke much about them... and nobody spoke much about her father at all. Staying in Hart estate means being respectful, proper and nice while staying there. But for Finley, across the estate, there is a forest that she calls it Everwood - a place where stories are weaved and Finley is Queen. But in these woods lies a secret so big and dark, it could destroy every thing in what the Harts believe in...


Claire Legrand has written a story that is bold and incredible and yet, touching a sensitive subject that targets middle-grade readers with a serious fiction not only that is heavy, but executed lightly and easy to understand. The flow of the story is amazingly powerful to read and yet endearing and good. When it comes to broken hearts, depression and anxiety, Legrand delivers so well, I can't believe this is a book for middle-grade readers. As it is, I really enjoy my read as not only its part fantasy and mystery, its also about family and drama of its whole. The way its written, splits up to two versions of what is narrative in the escape made-up world and real world events is beautifully craft. Its easier to understand how we see Finley thinks and although the way it end is pretty much impossible to accept, overall its a good read. Books like these are hard to find now and should be read by all.